
List of THT Partners and project Implemented
2004-2007 : THT composed by 30 PWDs members many of them are skilled in performing Theater or Drama and they are doing advocacy and sensitization on issues related on how to remove barriers for free society, through drama, song, poems, and films.
In 2010, THT produced CD Video in 2010 that educate on how peoples with disabilities can prevent themselves from acquiring HIV /AIDs and challenges which are faced by PWDs in using condom.
2010-2011 : THT raise awareness through performing Drama on the right of people with disability in 2012-2013 together with NUDOR in different Districts. THT participate actively in celebration of national and international days by performing drama, songs or sketch depending on the theme of the day in collaboration with different NGOs or institutions.
In 2013 with support from NUDOR THT has produced a film on how students with disabilities face different barriers at school and home.
2013-2016 : THT have receive small grant from VSO to building her capacity and members have get training on performing Theater and perform in 6 District partners and in specific event like IDPD, the project names : Inclusive Services through Participation of Stakeholders for realizing Rights in Education and Disability (INSPIRED) (2013-2016)’’ This project is funded by UkAid. “The population of Rwanda is sensitized to the fact that ‘disability is not inability’ through drama productions”.
2017-2019 : THT with the subject Grant between Handicap International and BPRM, Award N° S-PRMCO-17-CA-2053 entitled “Strengthening Inclusion and Access to Services for Persons with Specific Needs and Persons with Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Needs, Rwanda”, The effective date of this Subaward was August 1st, 2017. The estimated completion date of this Subaward was July 31st, 2018. The Subaward was made to implement the following activities : Activity 2.1.1:Develop the capacity disability committees and other community leaders on self-advocacy and gender approach and Activity 2.1.2 : engage the disability committees in planning and the implementation of International Day for PWD and other refugee events in 7 refugee camps namely Mahama1, Mahama2, Nyabiheke, Gihembe, Kiziba, Kigeme and Mugombwa including Huye and Kigali urban areas, on the condition that the funds this have been Reviewed and sign others Project partnership Agreement Contract No 2018 / H41_028 /01 within a Period : from 1st January 2019-until 31st December 2019 between THT and Humanity & Inclusion we have implement a Project Names : Strengthening inclusion and access to services for Persons with Specific Needs and Persons with Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Needs in Rwanda through cash based intervention in 7 Refugees camps
Project outputs and activities under each output :
Output 1 : Community self-management is supported
Activity 1.1. Develop the capacity of disability committees and Refugee community leaders on self-advocacy.
Activity 1.2 : Engage the disability committees in planning and organizing the international day of PwDs, mental health day and other Refugee events.
Activity 1.3 : Refresher training of community mobilizers and resource persons (refugee executive committees, teachers, youth heading households and quarter chiefs) on community based approach of mental health and psychosocial support needs.
Activity 1.4 : Community mobilization on mental health and psychosocial support.
Output 2 : Specific services for persons of concern (PoC) with disabilities and persons with mental health and psychosocial support needs are provided
Activity 2.1 : Train UNHCR implementing partners on inclusion and mainstreaming of persons with disabilities and the elderly.
Activity 2.6 : Strengthen inclusive recreational activities and sports in Refugee camps.
2019-2020 : Agreement between Troupe des Personnes Handicapées Twuzuzanye (THT) Rwanda National Association of Deaf Women (RNADW), and MyRight on support of “Breaking Barriers Building Bridges through Creative Art” with project number 71 14 05, This Agreement shall enter into force on the date upon signature by both Parties. The activity period of the project is 2020-01-01 to 2020-12-31. This project intended to raise awareness of local leaders, decision makers and community members on the rights of women and girls with disabilities against double discrimination trought creative art such as short documentary film, theatre and danse. There is absence of reliable disagragated data, insufficient application of a disability perspective in general gender equality policies, and inadequancy of policies for the advancement, development and empowerment of women with disabilities.
2017-2021 : THT in 2017 we have secured a partnership with Amplify change after application which was successfully and sign Agreement contract to Advocate and Sensitize young people, men and women to realize their sexual and reproductive rights in Rwanda through Opportunity grant where in January,2019, the grant have been renewed and the grant size have been increased to THT due to the management and Project Result, the donors in this year THT have develop and submit application on strengthening grant and have been successfully, all activity of the project was for Advancing SRHR & Disabilities Right in Rwanda and Organizational strengthening capacity at National level and at local level.
2017-2021 : Contrat de partenariat projet NUM2017/H41_022/02/ Projet Development Local Inclusif (DLI)/Readaptation a base Communautaire (RBC)-Programme Rwanda Entre THT et Humanity&Inclusion pour le periode : 1juillet 2017-31Decembre, 2021.
Les projet avait pour objectif de définir :
Les modalités et les procédures de gestion dudit projet,
Les droits et les engagements des parties dans la mise en œuvre dudit projet.
1. Projet dans le cadre duquel s’exerce le partenariat
Le document projet, présenté en annexe 1 fait partie intégrante du présent contrat de partenariat.
1) Le partenaire THT contribue à la réalisation des objectifs globaux suivants L’offre de services sociaux est améliorée
2) Les personnes handicapées et leur famille s’autonomisent
3) Les communautés sont plus inclusives
Le projet a pour objectif spécifique d’assurer aux PH un meilleur accès aux services (éducation, emploi, sports & loisirs etc.)
Le partenaire THT contribue à l’atteinte des résultats attendus suivants :
-  Les PH et leur famille se regroupent et s’engagent dans une dynamique de changement en faveur d’une communauté plus inclusive.
-  Les OPH nationales et locales suscitent des changements de comportements et de pratiques et influencent l’application des politiques nationales
Les prestataires de services changent leurs pratiques et offrent des services plus inclusifs (Emploi, Education, Sport & Loisirs).
